Corner Gusset With Multiple Offsets


This corner gusset had multiple opposing offsets, and it had to meet tight tolerances to be square enough to support robotic welding. Ajax produced this complex, multifaceted progressive stamping to tolerances +/- .5°.

One engineer said it couldn’t be done. We did it.

Product Description, Corner gusset for robotic welding

Capabilities Applied/Processes, Progressive stamping with in-tool resizing
Tightest Tolerance, +/- .5° angles. .003 inch material thickness
Material Thickness, .060 gauge
Material Used, Draw Quality Aluminum Killed
Material Finish, Lightly oiled
Industry for Use, Equipment Protection
Volume, 250K annually
Delivery Time, Kanban
Delivery Location, Western Europe and North America
Standards Met, NEMA 250
Product Name, Corner gusset
Project Scope, Material selection; prototyping; tool design; resizing within the progressive stamping tool to tolerance
Design Work, Designed for progressive stamping. Provided prototypes for manufacturer test build. Designed production tool.