Why Choose Ajax?

Five reasons to choose Ajax as your metal forming partner.

Reason #1

A Better-trained, More Productive Workforce.

Through unique workforce development solutions like Ajax Academy, our people fully understand their machinery and can work more efficiently. This investment results in minimal non-compliance issues, maximum on-time delivery, and greater customer satisfaction.

Five Reasons To Choose Ajax As Your Metal Forming Solutions Partner

Reason #2

Locations Nationwide.

With production locations in Raleigh, NC, Minneapolis, MN, and Tucson, AZ, Ajax can provide the right logistical solution to meet your needs. Our Minneapolis headquarters location is certified to ISO 9001:2015 and 13485:2016.

Map of Ajax Locations

Reason #3


Whether the job is stamping, fabrication, or services like finishing, assembly or kitting, Ajax customers can expect efficient, innovative solutions every time. Our advanced in-house tooling department plays a huge role in our ability to recommend innovative metal forming solutions that set us apart.

A hardware insertion arm on a progressive stamping die set at Ajax.

Reason #4

Experienced Sales Engineers.

With decades of experience on the plant floor and working with customers, the sales engineering team of Jayson Marcott and Don Wellman can assist you with even the most challenging metal forming assignments.

Jayson Marcott Ajax Sales Engineer

Jayson Marcott

Don Wellman Ajax VP Sales and Marketing

Don Wellman

Reason #5

Here To Stay.

With a retention-minded ownership group in Heartland Equity Partners, Ajax has the commitment and financial resources to grow along with customers, charge ahead against economic headwinds, and maintain decades-long customer relationships.

Heartland Equity Partners Logo